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   serialized data editor
Friday, November 16 2007
Today Gretchen rode with two of her closest local friends to Mass MOCA. Both of these women happen to be a good bit older than Gretchen, and she found riding with them somewhat unpleasant because they were both experiencing hot flashes and had the heat on way too low.

My main achievement today was the building of a PHP tool for opening up and editing serialized data (right now it only works with simple data types and arrays, not objects, but it can handle arrays of arbitrary complexity nested to arbitrary depth).
The editor works by unserializing the serialized string, recursively building an HTML form around the data, and allowing me to change the data and then save it as a new serialized string. I added the tool to my generic web-based MySQL editing environment, where I immediately used it to puzzle out some as-yet-unexplained mysteries of X-Cart sessions. In X-Cart, you see, session data is stored as a big mess of serialized data. This wasn't the first time I've felt a need for a serialized data editor, so I'm guessing I'll be using this tool more in the future.

Those interested in the general technique I've used for recursively throwing a form around serialized data can consult this library of functions I built today.

For linking purposes this article's URL is:

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