Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   a foot of ick
Saturday, November 17 2007
At some point today Gretchen and I watched the movie Talk to Me, a cinematic portrayal of the rise and fall of real-life Washington, DC radio personality Petey Greene during the same critical time as the setting of Pelecanos' Hard Revolution (the book-on-disk Gretchen and I recently heard). Petey Greene was an African American street hustler with a gift for gab who managed to beg, plead, and threaten himself into hosting show on DC's WOL. In watching it, I caught an anachronism not mentioned in its entry in IMDB: a big fancy toilet paper dispenser on a bathroom stall divider. I know from my own travel through history that such dispensers didn't appear until the mid-to-late 1980s.

Last night we'd seen segment of tapeworm sticking out of Julius the cat's (Stripey's) little puckered asshole, so this morning Gretchen forced a wormer pill down the little guy's throat. We'd had to do this almost exactly a year ago to the same cat for the same reason. That time the pill had acted like a magic bullet, fixing the problem with no fuss and no muss. Supposedly, Gretchen said last year, the pill "dissolves" the worm and you never have to deal with it.
It turns out, however, that this isn't true. Today, after several hours spent listlessly languishing by the fire, Stripey got up and did a few things outside. Next time I saw him inside, he seemed to be distraught about something. That something turned out to be a foot long length of dead tapeworm, all white and segmented, hanging like a piece of pasta out of his ass. He tried to grab it with is mouth, but it moved too fast and it whipped out of reach, sending him bounding into the basement in horror. I went to find him down there several minutes later, but by now the tapeworm had vanished. It wasn't on the carpet or the furniture, so I had to assume he'd eaten it.

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