Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   Orgy's birthday
Friday, December 28 2007
I dropped Gretchen off at the bus station in Kingston early this afternoon so she could go down to the City to visit the husband-of-a-friend who had been transferred to the better medical facilities available down there. After I got home from my post-dropping-off errands, I did whatever it is I do for hours at a time in the reclusive confines of my laboratory. At some point Penny sent me an email asking if I wanted to go with her and David to the 39th birthday party of a friend in Olive Bridge. Among our crowd this particular friend has gone by the nickname "Orgy" ever since an evening some months ago when she wouldn't shut up about wanting to involve herself in, well, an orgy. I'm always happy to broaden the social fabric in which I sit like a sullen lump of lead, so I said sure.
Orgy lives in a farmhouse out in a rural part of Olive Bridge. She's a nurse, so most of her friends are in the ever-growing medical-industrial complex. We all sat around a table drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers, talking mostly about the arcania of maple tapping with the husband-of-an-Orgy-friend who runs a tapping operation on four thousand trees. I somewhat-jokingly asked if he'd ever tapped Black Birch for that wintergreen freshness and he said that he had. But that admission wasn't quite as surprising as his revelation that Red Maple and Norway Maple are nearly good for maple syrup as is Sugar Maple.
For dinner we had beef steak with a number of cooked vegetables that I do not eat (beets and squash). A couple lesbians were there and I noticed one of them was eating only vegetables so I had to assume she was some sort of vegetarian, perhaps the only one there. Still, she was far from an animal-rights saint; she'd recently purchased a Jack Russel/Pug hybrid from a breeder. And Orgy had bought another puppy from that same litter. The dogs were plenty cute but it was sad to look at them and think that they'd been brought into this world as the consequence of an economic decision.
Later I participated in the making of a sixteen-point origami star, an involved process that requires a glue stick and is best done with the help of a handful of semi-intoxicated (though not excessively-so) friends.
At some point in the evening I noticed that I'd lost one of the tiny screws holding my glasses together. And on the drive back to Penny and David's place I realized that the filling recently installed in my top right wisdom tooth had already disappeared. Had it even been there a week?

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