hatchbacks on the entire Intertube Wednesday, April 30 2008
This morning I managed to pull the engine out of the otherwise-stripped Honda Civic hatchback. There's always one more bolt than you think and at least two cables that need disconnecting, but in the end it was sitting there atop my red cart, separated forever from the car it used to propel. I found that pushing that car from place to place was now noticeably easier with the substantial dead weight of the engine removed from the relevant vector equations. It was now more like a go-cart, preferring to go downhill but perfectly willing to go uphill too if provided a modest Newtonian incentive.
Later I went into town to deal again with the new hatchback's possible registration, but I'd so defiled the paperwork by this point that it was a lost cause. I explained to the woman at the DMV counter that it had been an Ebay purchase and she just sighed and said something to the effect that Ebay had destroyed the golden age of auto transaction. Because I'd ruined two forms from scratching things out and writing in something different, Gretchen would have to write to our seller to get fresh new documents. The paperwork hell never seems to end, at least when you buy from the shadiest dealer of Honda Civic hatchbacks on the entire Intertube.
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