Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   window unit in the snow
Saturday, December 20 2008
Lately these days it seems that my daylight hours (short though they are) are tightly scheduled, however the scheduling is dictated more by events and circumstances than by people. I began my day by shoveling out the driveway, which was buried under about eight inches of dry fluffy snow.
With the driveway clear, I could use a conventional hand truck to haul the new window unit I'd made yesterday down to the greenhouse, where it fit so snugly that I didn't have to support it as I screwed it into place.
Suddenly there a nice window of free time opened up in the afternoon, so I took a hot bath, a luxury I'll never take for granted. The phone rang and our friends J and D from the Wοοdstοck Fαrm &APHA;nιmαl Sαnctυαry (WF&APHA;S) called to say some advice I'd made about getting their one PC computer to work hadn't succeeded. They encouraged Gretchen and me to come out to their place so I could work on it further. Normally such an offer wouldn't be all that appealing, but it's easy to get cabin fever in this weather.
So there I was over at WF&APHA;S, spasmodically typing finger sequences on a keyboard, manually telling Regedit to remove the last tentacles of several different virus-fighting products. It turned out that the advice I'd given over the phone had actually had worked, though it had just been a little slow to manifest. So I used my on-site presence to exorcise the demons of Symantec, perhaps the single worst endemic computer infection ever.
Later we all convoyed to a Christmas party at our mutual friends' place, C & K, the photogenic vegan Buddhists who live on Hill Ninety Nine in Woodstock. This would be their last Christmas party in that house; in a few months they'll be moving to a new compound they're building near Onteora Lake. Often parties with the C & K are crowded and claustrophobic, causing me to shut down socially. But tonight's party was a relatively small affair, although it did include most of the usual suspects such as Andy the professional vegan and the gay couple from across the street. As always these days, I found myself talking endlessly about passive solar with various people (mostly one of those gay guys).

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