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Like my brownhouse:
   little patience for white guys
Wednesday, April 22 2009

Tonight was an American Idol result night, and both Gretchen and I had grown tired of the generic white guys in the competition. Gretchen is somewhat more extreme in her pro-minority biases than I am, but we both have little patience for white guys who sound like generic pop stars. This season we are sick of Kris and, to a lesser degree, Danny (whose Godliness and awkward stage presence are strikes against him). As for Matt, the white guy saved last week in the judges wasted deployment of their powers to save, the only reason I cut him any slack is that he reminds me a little bit of Big Fun's Zachary, the baby daddy of Peggy's first kid (in a cleaned-up fully-deodorized television-friendly Justin Timberlake kind of way).
This week there were seven contestants left, and the bottom three of them consisted of all of those who are not white males: Anoop (an Indian-American man), Lil Rounds (an African-American woman), and Allison (a Hispanic woman). You can say what you want to about America's progress for having elected as president man whose father was African, but when it comes to the simple retail democracy of American Idol, a democracy rooted in youth culture, the culture of our future, it's sad that in this democracy the white guys have it easy while the brown people and women are dragged along as the frequent denizens of the bottom three. Of this week's bottom three, only Allison survived to sing another day. (She's my favorite after Adam Lambert, the least-heterosexual and most vocally-endowed of the white males remaining.)

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