Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   worst Chinese food in Kingston
Thursday, April 26 2012
It's been five days since the cool weather came and it continued today, though at least the rains had stopped.
This afternoon I went into town mostly to get lumber that will enable me to get started on raising the greenhouse roof. This included a 14 foot two by eight and a 14 foot two by ten that I'll eventually use to make a beam with an L-shaped cross section to support the roof's new south wall. The roof's new north wall will be built directly on the new floor. To surface that floor, I thought I'd maybe get some 3/4 inch OSB (which, after painting, has been a perfectly good floor in my laboratory). But the price for that ranged from 25 to 30 dollars. So instead I got twice as many sheets of 7/16 inch OSB (which cost $8.90 each), allowing me to build a 7/8 inch thick subfloor for only $17.80 per four by eight foot section.

Diagrams and a picture of the existing state of the greenhouse (with attic exposed) to help you grok what I just wrote.

While I was in town, I picked up Chinese food from Kai's Kitchen, which is in the same location as a place that had been known as China Rose (and may have been owned by the same people as the ones operating the China Rose in Rhinecliff, which at one time was a good restaurant). I also mined 40 more gallons of topsoil (in this case, sandy topsoil) from the east bank of the Esopus, though it wasn't easy getting it into the back, what with all the ropes holding the lumber to the Subaru's roof rack.
The Chinese food was maybe the worst Gretchen and I had ever eaten, if you can even imagine it. The baby ears of corn had a weirdly foul taste, and a lot of the other food was just insipid, mushy, and flavorless. I don't know how they managed to fuck up the dumplings like they did; we ended up having to give some of them to the dogs.
A light rain was falling after dinner, so I went out in the dark and unloaded the lumber from the Subaru's roof. It's not good to leave OSB out in the rain.

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