March 2014 01: some cool-down yoghurt
- With an odd group of unassertive friends at the new Indian restaurant in Kingston.
02: I really like eggplant
- It works on a frozen pizza. Also, fighting the urge to troll on Facebook.
03: frequent bachelorhood staple
- Good luck with pre-packaged Indian food.
04: stir fry success
- More good luck with cooking in the kitchen in the absence of performance anxiety.
05: pseudoephedrine napping
- Sometimes that stimulant makes me sleepy.
06: salvaging small dry pieces of wood
- Using a new backpack frame, I further demonstrate the possibility of just-in-time firewood gathering even in fairly adverse conditions.
07: $10 logic analyzer
- A cheap Chinese device demonstrates it is up to a rather complicated job.
08: the sheer range of where a song can go
- Listening to and watching Babymetal.
09: treacherous river of ice water
- The late winter path down to the greenhouse.
10: no hope for coffee from the bank coffee robot
- Running errands on an almost springlike day.
11: beautiful springlike day
- Snowmelt and a failed attempt at caffeine abstinence.
12: I would gladly give up
- ...were it not for a single simple fact. More Meade weather station hell.
13: Gretchen kind of thing
- Starting to watch True Detective after feeling caught up work-wise.
14: variety of pill paraphernalia
- Waiting for the fulfillment of an Obamacare prescription.
15: copper stash
- A small copper object made from 3/4 inch fittings using American quarters for caps.
16: a bit too high
- Talking about the sun and the greenhouse, not marijuana.
17: within the reception area
- Not straying beyond my pirate radio station while gathering firewood.
18: 87 pounds across slick snow pack
- The greatest backpack firewood salvage to date.
19: let alone furry creatures up in the trees
- Neil deGrasse Tyson attempts to teach Americans about Darwinian evolution.
20: zero adult supervision
- Drinking alone. Also, the vaguely metallic quality that pseudoephedrine gives to the roof of my mouth.
21: cauliflower hot wing wraps
- And thinking about Neil deGrasse Tyson stoned.
22: raccoon in altercation
- A masked bandit evidently comes in through the pet door.
23: emergency vet raccoon bite
- Eleanor was injured by yet another species. And learning about abortions from an abortionist.
24: replacement for the Frankenphones
- I can't stand headphones that require a cord, particularly when I am wearing them in the forest.
25: a rationale for distant firewood gathering
- Why I've been carrying salvaged firewood home from so deep in the forest. Also: I dunk my Droid cellphone.
26: firewood overunity
- A regime for endless firewood security.
27: increasingly-compelling distraction
- Alone with my pseudoephedrine for the weekend.
28: unnecessarily retrograde male chauvinism
- Watching Naked & Afraid. And perhaps my Photoshop skills are better than I think.
29: detergent rice and random Burmese
- Cooking for myself again.
30: winter footwear
- Rubber boots when it is snowy but never sneakers.
31: smelled like springtime
- Melting snow and and culturally-incoherent wat.