Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   August 2016

01: not been entirely of my own making - Fixing a bad server crisis in less than an hour.
02: demented strangeness - A landlord fuckup, a GPS fuckup, and weirdly autumnal weather.
03: mystery lamp water - A GFI outlet keeps tripping in the bathroom, so I investigate.
04: minimize their opportunities with my blood - Successfully remaining unbitten by mosquitoes while mowing the lawn in the height of mosquito season.
05: fourth quilling - Ramona connects with yet another Porcupine at an expensive time of day for that sort of thing.
06: cleaning out the mobile toolshed - Making it so I can drive the Subaru to the Adirondacks.
07: over $300 for one shopping cart of groceries - Moving into the cabin on Twenty Ninth Pond.
08: Stony Pond - Gretchen and I hike a snowmobile trail to another lake and she swims in it too.
09: without seeming to make proprietary statements - Trying to do something a little complicated with a smartphone reveals the limits of the platform.
10: convenience stores in the Upstate hinterland - There's a kind of guy you're likely to see eating in its little dining area. Also, a new, more convenient cellphone spot at our Adirondack cabin.
11: the vacation I want - After a little malaise after discovering I'd failed to bring the right cable, I managed to have a good afternoon and evening at the lake.
12: Throckmorton's return - Also, I am Mark Watney and the central Adirondacks is the surface of Mars.
13: idioms that have existed since 1984 - Android finds new ways to make simple things nearly impossible.
14: our dogs are our family - Post-house housing choices for Gretchen's parents and how their not taking our family into account affected our day.
15: nervous inertia - Returning home from vacation to just the housesitters and the cats, some of whom take awhile to materialize.
16: Jihadsquad - Brainstorming a suitably-corporate name for something and the sunk costs fallacy.
17: perhaps overly-confessional - Another amphetamine-energized afternoon in the remote workplace.
18: worst options for flatbread - Hurley Ridge Market in the late morning.
19: failure with an empty Modelo can - It's hard to piss in a beer can while driving, even on a long emptry stretch of interstate.
20: cranberries and sundews - I have a complete day at the lake despite gut issues.
21: hand-sized - A puddle of puke in the backseat and a patch of reduced feeling on my leg. Also, I drink my first full bottle of commercial kombucha.
22: prematurely slow katydids - Also, database work with an uncomfortable stomach.
23: refrigerator by Subaru - Cargo space too small? Just remove some plastic and metal bits!
24: tooth not broken at the dentist - So it doesn't get fixed. Also, more kombucha consumption.
25: EXPLAIN and fleas - A flea outbreak and a way to test-run SQL queries.
26: laboratory fogger cat evacuation - Doing something about the fleas in the that keep jumping on me as I work.
27: partyhenge - A late august party in the afternoon at our house.
28: without a protractor - I begin installing braces according to the plans of a structural engineer in order to bring my solar deck up to code.
29: few things more than lemonade - Roof work on a hot summer day (interspersed with computer work).
30: melodies from Poughkeepsie - And what specifically Dualing Banjos from Deliverance sounds like.
31: hydrogen peroxide in my ear - It certainly sounds like it is doing some good.