eternal Trumpster Fire. Tuesday, February 7 2017
There had been a bit of an ice storm this morning. It had put just enough ice on the flagstones of the front pathway to render them treacherous. The forest itself wasn't bad to walk in, but in places where the snow had been crushed into a flat ribbon (such as on the Farm Road), the dogs experienced all sorts of unexpected failures in their attempts to modify the vectors of their dashing about.
The ongoing rain and cold made me opt not to do any further work today on the basement. Gretchen would be returning from Portland today, and there wasn't much spectacular I could do in the time available, and, besides, such things shouldn't be rushed. It was better to dedicate myself to washing dishes, cleaning out litter boxes, and uncluttering the dining room table (which had become something of a distant staging point for the basement project).
Meanwhile, things were less stressful in the remote workplace. I spent a lot of time waiting for API calls made to that new, problematic API (the one mentioned in yesterday's entry) to come back with the data I needed to see in order to know what next to try. The API was so slow and horrible that this task ate up many hours, though it gave me the opportunity to read a lot of Trumpian news while waiting. Donald J. Trump is something of an eternal Trumpster Fire.
Gretchen returned in the mid-afternoon, having had three seats to herself on a mostly-empty plane to Newark that had departed 20 minutes ahead of schedule.
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