Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   September 2017

01: fifteen minutes of learning - My database visualizer catches the eyes of my colleagues.
02: big earthworms and a maddening phone - Trying to revive an old smartphone and also digging a hole in worm country.
03: coffee grinders are hard to find - I need them to grind sticks of ephedra. I finally found one at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
04: Labor Day ephedra - Because I still wanted to labor.
05: emergency tour - I take Gretchen to two different facilities in hopes of figuring out what her illness is.
06: where the fumes from cat urine seemed to concentrate - After a hot bath, I need to lie down on the floor in the basement hallway.
07: not resembling the Antikythera Mechanism - Gretchen's fever reaches 104 and she is hospitalized. Doctors extract her 15 year old IUD and find that it does not resemble the ancient analog computer found in the Aegian Sea.
08: somehow avoided becoming terrible - Northern Dutches Hospital has somehow avoided the fate of all other things subject to sociopathic capitalist pressures.
09: in my existential daze to Chipotle - A harrowing visit to visit my wife in the hospital sends me on a weird spell of retail therapy.
10: forest-green - Gretchen is feeling better though she is bloated with intravenous fluids. Also, her poop is a weird color.
11: ambulance to Albany - Gretchen is relocated to a bigger hospital in preparation for possible surgery to remove her fallopian tubes.
12: Albany hospital, day one - Gretchen finally has an appetite for Italian food, as well as social media revenge.
13: in a hotel alone - Visiting Gretchen in Albany, I spend the night in a hotel alone.
14: off-brand peanuts - I supplement hotel breakfast bread with drug store peanuts and make the mistake of a buying a $1 bag.
15: Gretchen returns from the hospital - Gretchen's parents drive her back from Albany and she eventually joins us for dinner.
16: pet door for a wolf spider - Taking care of Gretchen after her parents leave.
17: medical marijuana proves its power - When ondansetron fails, how about the plant whose re-criminalization is supposed to help make America great!
18: quickly diagnosed - It's no surprise that fungi are taking advantage of the stiff repression faced by bacteria in Gretchen's body.
19: the upgrade script didn't think of this - Gretchen's best post-hospital day yet and I stay up late to upgrade a server.
20: the simpler of media pleasures - Stoned all day on marijuana tea.
21: hip experiment - Another janky eBay purchase and evidence the pain in my left hip may not be a patient-zero sexually-transmitted disease.
22: leaking tahini everywhere - I do not know how to stuff a pita bread with falafel.
23: Neville's face this morning - He had an experience with yet another form of Catskills wildlife last night.
24: specific solutions to the general templating problem - But I've solved that problem.
25: bossing like a boss - I don't like the personal politics at work, but I'm not bad at handling it when I have to.
26: wade into the socializing - But it's nice to have the excuse of a job I'm supposed to be doing to use as an escape hatch.
27: grandpa tea - Drinking ephedra tea, painting a painting of Janet, and winding down with alcohol and pot.
28: Gretchen out on the town post hospitalization - Attending a small performance of Ben Sollee in Bearsville.
29: happy hour learning - Drinking with colleagues in a video chat and then a multi-course family dinner.
30: more about regular expressions than I had ever wanted to learn - Getting procrastinated non-work-related-programming done despite a very mild hangover.