January 2018 01: fentanyl scare
- New Years 2018, and, trying to get some old glue from a fentanyl patch off of Neville, I seemed to have inadvertently dosed myself with the powerful narcotic.
02: a movie I can watch while working
- About The Room, the Citizen Kane of bad movies. Also, another season of Black Mirror and I'm loving it.
03: high of 25
- It's still colder than it should be.
04: there goes my binge
- Afer initially hoping to binge-watch Black Mirror on Friday, I've now watched so many episodes that the remaining binge is only two episodes long.
05: red wine and binge
- It's not a bad binge after all, given the hilarious and deeply sad final episode of the season.
06: mad pisser strikes again
- Discovering Ramona has been pissing in the Gunther Room.
07: tranche and paunche
- Down to one tranche of firewood as I attempt to do something to combat my paunch.
08: whittled out of the same material
- A balmy 25 degree day at the end of a long cold snap.
09: best thing I've ever eaten
- Gretchen makes an amazing black bean soup and heads off to socialize while I try to work and babysit Neville simultaneously.
10: Neville at the bookstore post-surgery
- It gives me a chance to focus on my work without distraction.
11: ominious view through the woodshed
- It's warm, but it's a little troubling to be able to see all the way through the woodshed for the first time in nearly four years.
12: how I prefer my brown liquors
- Some of which I drank while watching Shark Tank.
13: greenhouse not blocked by snow
- Also, Neville's face lump examined and a shitcan is swapped out.
14: talking about food after dinner
- It's what makes my eyes glaze over.
15: bad place for an ice slick
- In the middle of a sharp curve on a steep downhill grade near our driveway.
16: Neville's good news
- He's not dying of cancer.
17: let someone else be the good samaritan on the hill
- It's not my responsibility you decided to drive in the snow.
18: a computer calculates silence
- I clean up a 45 year old audio tape of Gretchen as a toddler.
19: an eascape for your birthday
- We try to have a evening at the Garden Cafe to celebrate Gretchen's birthday, and meanwhile Neville demonstrates that he still cannot be left unattended.
20: doing me a favor by honoring the warranty
- Perhaps not how customer service is supposed to go at an auto parts place.
21: surveillance and bribes
- Trying to work in the laboratory without worrying about Neville escaping from the recuperation fort.
22: something that appeared to be escape-adjacent
- Stuck on Neville duty on the night before a travel day.
23: bland vegan airport food
- Not that I was surprised. A work-related flight to Los Angeles.
24: westerward across San Vincente
- An evening stroll west from the dreary hotel into the gayest part of West Hollywood.
25: early morning in a West Hollywood Starbucks
- Second day at the organizational retreat.
26: hygienic Benghazi
- A man sneezes two seats away while eating a sandwich on my flight from LAX to Newark, NJ.
27: the day after a big travel day
- Drinking kratom tea in the recuperation fort while Gretchen gets that social life she'd been denying herself for the sake of Neville's recuperation.
28: now a visible walnut-sized lump
- The state of Neville's face.
29: completely passive entertainment
- Watching The Ice Storm completely sober.
30: cheap and powerful Chinese phone
- I had to install Google apps on it, since it came with weird Chinese ones instead.
31: delumpification
- For the second time, we learn that the lump in Neville's face (now extracted) is probably not cancerous.