Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   wrong fucking server
Wednesday, November 21 2018
Ramona came to work with me today (as she usually does on Wednesdays). Strangely, though, she seemed reluctant to go on walks, particularly after Alex arrived with his dog August. She seemed worried he might come and steal the rawhide she was otherwise uninterested in (and which August himself had never shown even the slightest interest in). She growled at him a couple times today, but (as my co-worker Victoria noted) her aggression was about as lazy as aggressuib can be.
Yesterday, I'd run out of things to do and was worried today would be a depressingly hard slog. But then I remembered the head honcho asking me to look into some issues with a Node.js file uploader. So I dedicated myself to that, and it gave me most of a day to work. A large chunk of that time was taken up with me trying to figure out how Node.exe was being started on the Windows Server I thought it was running on. I found nothing in the Services, and nothing in the stupid convention of startup items for some reason being in the Start menu. I became so desperate that I actually asked a question in, using "stupid" to describe that Start Menu startup convention. I guess that was a bad idea, because the post was quickly downvoted to -1. Also, the responses weren't particularly helpful. But then I realized I was looking on the wrong fucking server! Once I was on the right server, not only was I able to track down the files being served by the Node.exe process, but I was able to copy it to my laptop and get it working locally. This counted as a pretty big accomplishment, so I felt good at the end of the day, which happened at around 3:00pm (because it was Thanksgiving Eve).
On the way home, I went out of my way to visit the Tibetan Center thrift store, where I bought a 120 volt extension cord, a one-to-three 120 volt outlet expander, a set of linoleum carving tools, and a crappy old Kodak EasyShare CX4230 digital camera, the camera I hadn't bought last week. It all came to $5 plus tax, though I owed $2 from before, which I paid up. There was snow and sleet on the drive home from the Tibetan Center, though it soon stopped, so I didn't feel the need to warn Gretchen that she should leave the bookstore in Woodstock prematurely.

Yesterday, Gretchen had taken a menagerie of critters to the Hurley vet for various medical issues. Neville the Dog had developed either a snort or a cough (it was hard to say), Charles the Cat has had a cough for all the time he's lived here and now has sneezing fits too, and Clarence the Cat has been wasting away despite being fed enormous amounts of wet food. That visit had somehow rung up a $700 bill, mostly for proprietary flea medication when it turned out the cats had fleas. In addition to that, Neville was prescribed diphenhydramine "as needed" for possible allergies, Charles was given a massive injection of antibiotics, and blood tests were run on Clarence. Today the results of those tests came back, and they showed Clarence not to be suffering from hyperthyroidism. His white blood cell count was a bit elevated, which might've indicated some form of cancer, though the most likely issue was either inflammatory bowel disease or pancreatic problems. This evening, Gretchen and I drove to the Hurley vet to pick up supplies for those possible issues. Prednisone had been prescribed to combat any inflammation, and special hydrolyzed wet food had been prescribed in case he lacked the enzymes necessary to digest his food. When we got home, we immediately gave him a prednisone and a half can of the special wet food, which he seemed to like.


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