Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   rage towards the lottery
Thursday, December 6 2018
Usually on Thursdays I drive the Prius to work, since I like to take the better-gas-mileage car on days when Gretchen isn't also driving far. But Gretchen would be driving some today (though not quite as far as me) and I wanted the thrill of driving the Subaru in its newly street-legal state, something it hasn't been in four months (the entire time I've had my new job). I left the house unusually early but quickly ran into problems. The Subaru was nearly out of gas, so I had to pull into the Stewarts in Old Hurley. The place was crowded when I arrived, and this was exacerbated by a portly gentleman who was not getting gas who elected to park his enormous truck in front of one of the gas pumps. At times like this I feel a great deal of rage towards the lottery, since I calculate that a good fraction of a convenience store's activity consists of exploiting the mathematically ignorant. Perhaps I should instead channel my rage at the educational system. In any case, it was pointless to even be there, since I didn't have my wallet on me. Without my wallet, I have as much buying power as the homeless man I often resemble. So I had to drive the couple miles back home. By this point, the needle on the Subaru's gas gauge was pointing at empty exactly, but the gas light didn't come on until I started climbing the long grade above the bus turnaround. I'd never seen that light on before (it's yellow).
Today at work, I waded a bit further into the weeds of the old version of the app I am writing in the Electron framework. The version I was looking at was written in Python, though there's an earlier version written in Delphi Pascal, and I asked to look at that code too. That Delphi version is supposedly the only version that works 100% correctly.
It being Thursday, I made my customary visit to Bubby's, the burrito place I like. This time I arrived a bit late, a little after 1:30pm, and it seems this time I arrived after the lunch rush, which I know from experience begins a little after noon. The weather was cold and made the walk to lunch fairly miserable, but I had the wind at my back (and a gut full of burrito) on the walk back.

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