Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   safely use that same pool
Thursday, December 27 2018
In the one project devouring my workdays for the last several weeks, I keep finding myself having to do little refactorings as I uncover new underlying relationships in the code. Last week ended with a refactoring that mostly made it possible to share a single library of utilities between the Angular frontend and the Node.js backend (which uses an older version of Javascript as opposed to Typescript). This morning everything went to shit when my code tried to parse a file in the absence of properly migrated parsers. This precipitated another refactoring (one entirely in the frontend) in which I tried to build out a better system of base classes for the line parsers.
Early this afternoon, we had a company meeting upstairs in the conference room to learn about the new healthcare options and other benefits that come with our being absorbed into a bigger company. There were a couple women from their human resources provider (HR in even the bigger company is apparently contracted to a third party) who walked us through all the boring particulars of the various health plans. The biggest differences between them were the sizes of the deductibles and our monthly out-of-pocket expenses. Later this evening when I discussed this with Gretchen, she and I agreed that it probably made the most sense for us to get the plan with the highest deductible (which would only cost us a little over $80/month). The reason for this is that we have to maintain a large emergency fund anyway for our real estate empire and we could safely use that same pool to self-insure. Given how healthy we are, it would be the actuarially-wise thing to do.
By the end of that meeting, it was rather late in the day, and, since I'd not yet had lunch, I was eager to get myself my customary Thursday burrito from Bubby's. But Bubby's was sadly closed until January 3rd. So I walked a few doors down and got myself an Onion Lovers' burger from the Wildflower Café. It's not exactly health food, but at least it's vegan.
Back at the house, progress continues to be made on the kitchen renovation. With the exception of the center island, all of the cabinets that are to be installed are now installed. What remains now is the center island and slome bare shelving, the latter of which will be installed on extremely stout metal brackets bolted directly to the studs.

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