Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   Neville and Gretchen's wallet
Sunday, August 25 2019

location: Twenty Ninth Pond, Essex County, New York

This morning at Twenty Ninth Pond, I woke up at a normal time, which was a little after 6:30am, and, though I was not yet wearing pants, I immediately began doing the final tasks I would need to do to close down the week-long cabin rental. The first thing I did was make myself a sandwich containing hummus, lettuce, tomato, and slices of spice carrot peppers. The morning was warmer than it had been yesterday, so I walked pantless down to the dock and ate my sandwich there. A thin layer of fog, no more than several feet thick, lay like a blanket upon the water, streaming in places in the gentle breeze.
Back at the cabin, I packed up all the remaining food, swept the porch, and scrubbed the kitchen surfaces. The dogs stayed in bed through all of this and didn't get up until I told them it was time to go. This allowed me to strip the bed and leave the bedroom the way the owner likes to find it.
I left the cabin a little after 7:30am and didn't give the dogs a walk until I'd driven to the Mobil station in Pottersville (43.723053N, 73.824403W). I got myself a big cup of coffee (my first real caffeine in over thirty hours) and set the dogs loose. They sniffed in the detritus-strewn grass at the bottom of the embankment in back of the Mobil, though nobody seemed to need to drop a deuce. I hadn't had any dog food, so I'd given each of the dogs a piece of bread to hold them over until we could make it home.
The drive back to Hurley was about as easy as two and a half hour drives can be, with me driving usually at about 75 miles per hour. Near the Wolf Road exists in Albany (where the Adirondack Northway connects to the Thruway), I had to piss so bad that I started urinating in my now-empty coffee cup. I didn't do a very good job of this and at least a tablespoon of piss ended up in places other than that cup (including my trousers). Fortunately, it was pretty dilute due to the amount of coffee I'd drunk.
When I got back to the house a little after 10:00am, Gretchen was still there, not having yet left for her bookstore shift. This meant that Gretchen would be able to bring both Neville the Dog and her wallet.
Not long after Gretchen left, I took a fairly long nap with Ramona the Dog and Diane the Cat. It wasn't as cool as the Adirondacks, but it was cooler than it had been for months, making for perfect napping conditions.
When I woke up, the only way to get going was to take an early-afternoon shower and then continuously drink black tea. At some point I switched my tea to kratom. And at 5:00pm I made myself a cocktail of SporTea mixed with gin.
Hours later, when I wanted to go to bed, both dogs were in my part of the bed and Oscar the Cat seemed to be looking at me with unusual ardor. So I decided to spend the night in the greenhouse upstairs. I'd taken an ambien in hopes of having recreational effects, but all I experienced was a strong desire to close my eyes.

Mist on the surface of Twenty Ninth Pond at about 6:45am this morning, looking northwestward. Click to enlarge.

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