Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   borrowing tools from the other house
Wednesday, November 13 2024

location: rural Hurley Township, Ulster County, NY

I decided to drive up to the cabin today with just the dogs, as Gretchen had plans that included spending the night in Manhattan at a place where Fern is house sitting on Thursday. I gathered up a bunch of things to take with me, including a set of Ryobi battery-powered tools I'd "borrowed" from the cabin to help me with the recent solar panel rejuvenation project (I have battery-powered drills in both places, but not battery-powered reciprocating and handsaws.) I also took some pieces of bluestone I'd recently gathered that, for one reason or another, will not work in my ongoing repaving project.
On my way north on the Middleburgh route, I stopped for the usual provisions at the Cairo Hannaford. The weather was cool but sunny, so I never had to run the heat.
I'd been dreading seeing all the Trump signs on this route, but mercifully nearly all of them were gone. There were a smattering of Trump For Peace signs, and there were still Trump signs in front of Hubcap Heaven (as you cross the divide from the Catskill Creek to the Schoharie Creek watershed), but it looked as though someone had scooped them all up, perhaps thinking they will be valuable some day. There were a few Harris/Walz signs here and there, though most of those had vanished as well.

When I got to Johnstown, I decided to take a right on Comrie to go first the Nobel Ace hardware, where I finally found a male to male quarter inch flare fitting. I also bought a saw similar to a Japanese pull saw, as I'd really wished I'd had one when I was doing the solar panel rejuvenation project and I couldn't find the one I used to have. Finally I went to the Johnstown Walgreens to buy pseudoephedrine, though I could only buy a 48-count box.

At the cabin, I started a fire, though the cabin was already warm(ish), as I'd turned on the heat remotely before I'd left Hurley.
Eventually I took the dogs for a fairly brief hike down the Mossy Rock Trail and then back to the cabin via the old dock trail. I was nervous about ranging further afield than that, as deer season might've started. And it was also a bit cold to spend much time outdoors, particularly in the red flannel pajama bottoms that normally serve as my trousers when I'm at the cabin.
I should mention there were a fair number (maybe ten or so) of ducks on Woodworth Lake this evening. From the distance, they looked like buffleheads [but when I later looked at the photos I took, they were apparently goldeneyes]. Sometimes they'd fly up for various reasons (initially I thought it was because of me) but then they'd fly around the lake and end up back where they'd taken off.
Down in the basement, I used my battery-powered Ryobi hammer drill (which I'd borrowed from the power tools back in Hurley) to install a bracket for one of the new minisplit's two air handlers. I put it high on the wall (but not as high as normal for such things) just west of the sprawling boiler plumbing. I also installed an electrical junction box above it and wired up a relay in there so I will be able to turn the minisplit on and off remotely with all the other devices in my ESP8266 Remote Control system.

Ducks on Woodworth Lake this afternoon. These turned out to be goldeneyes. Click to enlarge.

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