Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   December 2024

01: winterizing, 2024 - Schelepping all the shit from the refrigerator 900 feet through the snow.
02: frozen pipe anxiety - Questioning my latest cabin winterization procedure.
03: relative time - When you're looking at data from a remote device, you want to immediately know how old it is. Also, an efficient collection of dead white ash.
04: infrared witchcraft - Trying to capture the magic from an infrared remote.
05: remotely pulsing an LED - Another useful set of features on my ESP8266 Remote.
06: entirely pro-forma meeting - It looks like my unemployment benefits will continue.
07: a circuit board from my 13 year old self - Repurposing something I made from before I had a real computer.
08: up to 57 - The cabin's temperature gradually rises as I continue to stoke the fire through the night.
09: minestrone made in an InstantPot - Expanding my dinner prep repertoire.
10: Charlotte is now trackable - My initial experience using the PitPat pet tracker.
11: knot illiteracy - I'm almost 57 years old and I only know how to tie three different kinds of knots. But they work, so does it matter?
12: how a 12v battery depletes - Losing contact with some battery-powered devices at the cabin.
13: authentic grit - The Ghettoford bus stop with all its squirrely people waiting for a bus.
14: a maintained stone wall gradually improves - The bad parts collapse and are built back better.
15: a slow drive through the Catskills - While I'm gathering some last minute firewood, Gretchen slowly drives across the Catskills from Rochester in the snow.
16: the pastor who cannot say 'no' - Seeing a performance of John Waters at the Old Dutch Church in Kingston
17: voids for squirrels - I like to leave spaces in my stone walls for rodents to hide their nuts in.
18: leftovers and gossip - Gretchen meets a friend with celebrity gossip at Good Night in Woodstock.
19: when stone walls tear - Tall, thin ones can gradually separate under the forces of normal movement.
20: feeling especially festive - Getting some more pseudoephedrine and a YouTuber who kind of shares my philosophy.
21: lupper and dinner - It's cold outside, and Gretchen cooks a lupper of Asian soup and a dinner of high-end vegan frozen comfort food.
22: a serious ongoing financial failure - Indications of someone with whom you do not want to be financially involved.
23: lots of oil and simmering - The key to a delicious Ethiopian wot.
24: even more remote control - Being able to change timing parameters might be the key to long battery life.
25: even more remote control - Being able to change timing parameters might be the key to long battery life.
26: fallen water barrel - 400 pounds of ice and water falls from a tower and not much is destroyed.
27: Casper the Dalmatian - Running across a young and somewhat inappropriate dog in West Hurley Park. Also getting into IC hell.
28: smallest woodscrews in the hardware store - They aren't all that small, it turns out.
29: how important is https? - Obviously it's not necessary for all web data. And sometimes reasonable security can be achieved without it.
30: poor-man's curtido - I make chili and we watch a documentary about the catfishing of Tegan & Sara.
31: tenant nocebo - Black mold and asbestos are two things that need only to exist to cause people health problems.