Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   wine for kids
Wednesday, January 15 2025
Gretchen took both dogs to the bookstore today, something she can do now that its front door latch is once more working and the door can't simply be pushed open when unlocked (something Charlotte very much would do). Meanwhile I holed up in the laboratory with Diane the Cat while our house cleaner vacuumed and scrubbed. I'd made a tepid beginning at organizing and putting away some of the laboratory's clutter, since I couldn't spend as much time as normal in front of my computer, as I kept painting and repainting the floor in front of it.
After the cleaner left, I drove into town mostly to get various pouches of pre-made Indian food, though I also got beans, diphenhydramine, and a product I hadn't seen before: frozen tamales imported from El Salvador. Then I went into Herzog's and bought a quart of glossy white latex paint specifically to repaint the white colors in my laboratory floor pattern (which are always the first to look dingy). The last errand I made was to JK's liquor store, where I bought the biggest bottle they sell of Manischewitz concord grape wine. I'd noticed in recent days that Gretchen had occasionally been pouring herself a glass of it. She emptied the last of that bottle a few days ago, and not only is her birthday coming up, but so is another four years of Donald J. Trump presidency. I don't drink Manischewitz, so I had to ask an employee where it was. I then felt compelled to qualify that it wasn't for me, it was for my wife. He said he'd never had it, but that it sells well. "It's for kids!" I chuckled.

Back at the house, we had a fair amount of leftovers, so I didn't want to prepare a full meal. The plan was to bust into a pouch of pre-made Indian food and eat with some leftover rice and whatever. I communicated this plan to Gretchen, and she said something about how all we needed now was vegetables. So I did a little research and used that to inform my preparation of a bunch of kale in a frying pan. I cooked the kale with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and a fair amount of water, and it ended up being pretty good. When Gretchen got home, she drizzled some cauliflower I'd chopped up in oil and air-fried it. We only busted into one curry: a coconut-lentil concoction that was pretty good.

This evening I had a good pseudoephedrine-diphenhydramine buzz going as I advanced the front of painted floor nearly to the north wall of the laboratory just to the left of where I sit at my main workstation. That place I was painting is normally a mass of tangled wires, which I first had to claw out of the way.

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