Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   May 1997

01: Dodge Dart, rock central - Some stuff about Mods and I finally install the speakers in my car.
02: strange trio - A peculiar contingent consisting of Monster Boy, myself and my mother having fun on a Friday night.
03: grace with a bottle of bourbon - Not wanting to persist in the lifestyle of a drunk, I start experimenting with restraint.
04: same wonderful person as before - Theresa is just as fun as ever as we watch the movie Bad Taste.
05: incident in Taco Bell - Matthew Hart's on-again-off-again-lesbian-girlfriend-now-wife, Leah, is outraged by the price of tomatoes.
06: fences and neighbors - Hurricane Fran continues to howl its way through the most local form of politics.
07: preparations for spring cleaning - I confront the horror that is my room.
08: Colt 45s at a Corner art opening - John flavours his show with a bit of faux low-class culture.
09: Space Party II - Lots of people, some of whom should probably die, attend a huge party at the Dynashack.
10: Big Fun reunion - Things get predictably crazy at Big Fun when we decide to visit the old farm house and wallow in nostalgia.
11: a stabbed nazi in the hospital - On a lark the Malvern Girls visit Eric the Huffanator Huffman in the university hospital.
12: half gallon of vodka - Smelly gutter punks get extremely drunk yet again.
13: antisocial catchup - Catching up on things missed this weekend.
14: as much as I have to offer - One too many nights of drunks on my porch.
15: spacecrafts repaired at shopping mall - I help some space aliens find their way home.
16: I went back to Ohio - A solo road trip to Oberlin, Ohio in my Dodge Dart to visit old friends and pick up some works of art.
17: Sundew in Tank - After coming all this way, I hang out with a Charlottesville acquaintance.
18: Rippy and the hippies - I realize how far I've come since my days in Oberlin.
19: transmountain - The Dodge Dart runs hot but does its job without complaint.
20: the Dynashack is not party central - A house meeting reaches consensus that my friends cannot hang out when I'm absent.
21: Observatory Street House - A possible future home is examined.
22: Josh Mustin, pizza hound - This time he narrowly misses his prey.
23: abortion: a happy ending - Morgan Anarchy's spawn will never see the light of day, and the girl still bearing it celebrates with dank nugs and liquor.
24: big dumb skinhead - A belligerent nazi introduces chaos into my scene.
25: evicted - The housemates decide that I'm making their lives uncomfortable and they kick me out of the Dynashack.
26: homeless - Dealing with the seedy life, living very much on the streets of Charlottesville.
27: good paper impression - Turning in an application that gives the false impression I'm a tidy tenant. I also avoid skinheads when they are sighted.
28: house rented - We sign the paperwork and pay the money to rent our next home, 129 Observatory Avenue.
29: healthy chickens and depressed rednecks - A visit to Staunton yields some colourful observations.
30: a tough guy with a survival instinct - Craziness trumps toughness on the Downtown Mall. Also, more thoughts on my former housemates.
31: party at the big brick mansion in the hood - I go with a contingent of gutter punks and goths to Sam's birthday party at the anomalous Jeffersonian structure.