Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   July 1999

01: rock and roll no show - Cyclefly does not play Brick by Brick, but much tequila is had all the same.
02: friends research - I look for long-lost chums on the Web.
03: now Altavista sucks - This search engine completely discredits its objectivity by numb-skull filtering, extravagant domain purges and auctioning off database hits.
04: Ocean Beach 4th of July - Kim and I have a contentious Fourth.
05: plastic glue - I try to fix my laptop.
06: energized, in an existential sort of way - I could just leave you know.
07: on charisma - Dan Quayle versus the Labrador Retriever up the street.
08: more on charisma - How it works in the workplace.
09: up out of the desert - Kim and I fly into Phoenix and then drive to Sedona, Arizona.
10: desert medicine wheels - Somewhat corny rituals above a future desert golf course.
11: desert sight seeing - Much like the Starship Enterprise and its trek across the known universe.
12: real world rendezvous - I wake up early and fly home from Phoenix to San Diego.
13: outing corporate taboos - A revolt against the new architecture being developed by the VP of System Architecture and his staff of Navy Seals.
14: the empire strikes back - The Navy Seals and VP of System Architecture do what they can to allay our concerns.
15: genuine girls - Eric the Web Developer manages to convince two girl temps to come along with us during lunch.
16: company picnic - Drinking to excess on Crown Point along Mission Bay.
17: Sunset Strip - Kim and I go to the Whiskey A Go-Go for Cyclefly, but instead we see some me-too San Diego white boy rap metal bands.
18: LA smog - You can tell the air is kind of bad in Los Angeles because you can see it.
19: be supportive - I finally tell Kim that she has to either be supportive of my insane workplace demands or I'm leaving.
20: marketing: windfall and ad hoc - I finally tell Kim that she has to either be supportive of my insane workplace demands or I'm leaving.
21: the writer's well - The ideal place for Franz Kafka to write.
22: what little - I'd like, for the next few weeks, to be in control of that shred of my life not dictated by my career.
23: baits and switches - Promises of bonuses turn out to be entirely motivational devices in my workplace; there's not even a budget for the things being promised.
24: all for appearances - It's Saturday, and due to current corporate weather conditions, I go to work, almost entirely to be seen there.
25: the show goes on - "> document.write("\"\"");