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Like my brownhouse:
   eggplant snerch
Sunday, September 12 2010 [REDACTED]
For lunch today I made myself an sandwich featuring several slices of eggplant from the CSA that I'd fried in canola oil and then slathered with A1 Steak Sauce (it's not just for Jeffrey Dahmer any more). Also on the sandwich was a slice of Tofurky-brand peppered fake turkey, green peppers, hot peppers, lettuce, sautéed mushrooms, and homegrown tomato slices. I've said this before about about my elaborate sandwiches (which I call "snerches"), but this might have been the most delicious thing I ever put in my mouth. As I told Gretchen today, I think my sandwiches have gotten tastier since I became a practicing vegan. Back in the day it was easy to slice up some cheese and build a lame sandwich around that. But when you're vegan you tend to try a little harder, and the result is a much tastier sandwich. I think this is also true of other kinds of food (burritos, pasta, pizza, etc.).
Meanwhile, Gretchen still has a strong eggplant aversion, so it's all on me to eat this entire eggplant. That's a big job; much like a mastodon, an eggplant is a lot of food.

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