Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   800 pounds of green White Ash
Friday, August 8 2014
Despite the recent complete remake of Woodchuck, my main computer, it continues to have problems keeping windows in their proper places on their respective screens, something it could reliably do under Windows 7 back before I replaced a Samsung SyncMaster 204 B with an Asus VS24AH. In desperation, I actually registered on a web-based messageboard for people to have their Windows 7 questions answered. Somebody there suggested I no longer attach my screens to a motion sensor, that this was telling Windows that the screens had been unplugged. Initially I'd been skeptical that the motion sensor was the problem; turning off the monitors manually didn't scramble the windows. It was only after an hour or so of the monitors being off that the scrambling would happen, and it even happened when I had Windows turn off the monitors during the time when the motion sensor had also turned them off. But by this morning it was clear that having the monitors plugged in all the time (and not controlled by a motion sensor) had completely solved my problem. I can still have Windows itself turn those monitors on and off (indeed, the motion sensor started out as a hack for a setup in which Windows failed to turn off the monitors). And I can route other things that Windows cannot turn off (the sound amplifier, the magnifying arm lamp, the fan that keeps me cool in summer, and, in the winter, the parabolic heater) through the motion sensor.
This afternoon while Gretchen and the dogs were at Little Deep with Susan and David, I finished up some web work and decided to take advantage of the absence of dogs by driving down to the bottom of Dug Hill Road and salvaging more of that big White Ash that was partially cut down back in June. I brought the big Stihl chainsaw and used it to cut a huge piece of trunk into two pieces that I could wrestle into the back of the Subaru. They were too heavy to get in without some sort of steps to tilt it up along, and to get these, I cut up smaller pieces of the trunk. The load I ended up with consisted of those two huge pieces and three somewhat smaller pieces. The weight visibly smushed the back of the car down on its springs. The two heavy pieces weighed 263 and 216 pounds respectively, while the smaller pieces weighed 127.7. 103.7, and 88.2 pounds for a total wood load of 798.8 pounds. That's still mostly green weight.

This evening after she returned from wherever she went tonight, Gretchen had a scare when she couldn't find Oscar the big fluffy cat anywhere. Several times earlier today, Oscar had ventured through the open front door out into the front yard, but he always came back. Our concern was that, under cover of night, he had decided to run. I searched the entire house, parts of the garage, and under the bushes in front of the house, but found nothing. About a half hour later, though, Oscar suddenly rematerialized from wherever he'd been hiding.


At around 1:00 am, I had to go into the woods near the Farm Road to bring Ramona home; she'd been at the bottom of the tree monotonously barking at something she'd treed, perhaps a Raccoon or maybe a bear.

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