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Like my brownhouse:
   bowler-figure hooks
Thursday, June 1 2017 [REDACTED]
For the past week or more, Sylvia the cat has been spending much of her time in a small cat bed near where I sit in the laboratory. Yesterday she began producing foul and unusual-smelling farts, something she hadn't been doing in the past. (Cat farts are usually terrible, but they're also mercifully rare.) Today Gretchen came into the laboratory and notice a fair amount of blood in the cat bed. It was dark red, but not black, suggesting it was coming from somewhere not deep inside of Sylvia. We couldn't see any blood coming out of her now, and our attempts to determine where it came from were inconclusive. Whatever is wrong with her is probably pretty serious. She's sixteen years old, and any trip to the vet at this point is likely to be her last. Gretchen set her up with an appointment at 4:30pm tomorrow.

In among some remote workplace I was doing to build out a new system for multi-language support, I took a break to install two of the bowling trophy figures as hooks in the laboratory ceiling. This involved re-welding the screw tip to the bottom of one of them when the one that had been on there broke off due to the weak quality of the weld. I found the key to making a solid weld of a screw point onto a trophy was to have the point be held against the base by gravity during the welding. This required me to hold the base of the trophy figure upside down in a vise and then screw the screwpoint into a piece of wood that I propped up in such a way that the part needing welding was held solid against the upside down trophy figure.
I installed two bowler-figure hooks and used them to hold my compound bow and a metal detector high and out of the way.

Some double-flip madness with one of my bowler trophy figures (this one does not have a screw point).

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