Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   no sense that GPS is turned off in airplane mode
Saturday, June 17 2017

room 515, Hyatt Hotel, Downtown Columbia, South Carolina

A little before 7:00am, I had trouble tracking down my Uber, who wasn't visible anywhere. It turned out that he'd gone to the wrong hotel or something, but it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed with a couple phone calls.
Unlike the flights down to South Carolina, the northbound ones all happened in a timely fashion, and I didn't have to hurry my way through the Charlotte airport. The only reasonable vegan food option there is a burrito from Salsarita's, an option I've taken advantage of in the past but had forgotten about. For both legs of my flight, I found myself sitting beside a woman in her 30s. Both women fell asleep exactly the same way, their heads getting droopy and starting to fall, and they'd detect that, wake up just enough to right their heads, and the cycle would repeat, sometimes as often as every ten seconds. As always, I left my smartphone out of airplane mode for both flights, mostly so I could track our progress using GPS. (It makes no sense that GPS is turned off in airplane mode, since this is a receive-only radio technology).
On my drive home from the Albany airport, I was disappointed to see that the Subaru's check engine light came on within the first ten miles. Evidently my hack had either been ineffective or it had gone too far. There wasn't much I could do about it then except sip a warm Shock Top Belgian White Ale from a six pack that had been the car for the duration of my South Carolina trip.

Back at the house, I told Gretchen of all the things that had happened at the conference. We'd had almost no communication during my absence; all I'd told her was when I would be getting back. I was a little slow in asking how things had gone for her, and she asked if I wanted to know. Sylvia the Cat was still alive. Andrea had been gone for most of the time I'd been away, giving Gretchen much-needed alone time. Gretchen had been to Michæl's birthday party (Michæl of Carrie & Michæl) and had made dozens of vegan cupcakes for what was a fairly big event. Tonight Gretchen would be catsitting over at Eva & Sandor's place, where there's a new kitten named Autumn.
I took a nice long nap after Gretchen headed off and then just wasted my time fucking around on my computer for the several hours of being awake that followed. I had a large sleep deficit to make up after all those 'til 2:00am nights at the Art Bar followed by 9:00am awakenings. One of the things I created was the following meme, which is a somewhat insensitive take on the recent shooting of Steve Scalise, one of the more outspoken racist homophobes in Congress.

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