October 29
i think i will begin this entry with a link to one of my favorite porn sites. enjoy!
Again my day began a bit later than i had planned. My discussion for my Taoism class began at 10...i wokle up at 10:20. i think i need to have my head checked...this always happens to me. i will start out the semester fine...and eventually, through some unknown thought process, i decide that it's better to sleep through my life than to experience and learn...perhaps it;s when i look at how pathetic this world really is. A prime example of this is the Joe Christ show i went to today. i have known about it for months...told people i know and people i don't know about it....built it up. And do you know how many people actually came to this? about 15!!! How distressing. And of course, as was expected, one of the people present was Glenn, aka Monster Boy. i'm so nauseated by this shithead everytime i see him yet...for some reason i know that should the situation arise, i would hook up with him. Yet, his sheer rudeness and lack of consideration for any other being other than himself makes me angry...and sick to my stomach. Anyways, another current nemesis/love interest of mine might be making an appearance tomorrow night....good 'ol Peter. Well, now, here's the backgroung scoop on Peter...modified of course. The short of the long is this....i met him through a friend...we saw each other about a week later...hooked up. After that we were 'sort of seeing each other', as he put it, for the next few weeks. Then, he started feeding me these nauseating, idiotic lines...one in particular about how much he likes me but that i should 'dump' him. Basically what he was trying to say then was that i had served my purpose and should then get out of his life...but to make things easier on him he would prefer it if i dumped him to save him from guilt. Well, he's a shithead...and i know it...and i sure hope he knows it. In any case, in order to see this gothy band Attrition tomorrow night...i'd have to go with Peter...in dependency upon my best friend, Sheyam. i don't really care if i do have to ride with the piece of shit...i just wanna go to the show. But, i am pretty sure Sheyam won't go....i would be surprised if she did. oh well. i'm used to it...i will tell her about an event like 2 months in advance...and then she'll decide that night not to go. i'm tired of it....but as long as it's 'old habit' for her i guess it won't change. *sigh* oh well...i lover her anyways and because of that i'm sure i will continue to let her do this. i think i'm fucked in the head...no, the world is fucked in the eye...socket.