| big projectsa2zkeywording.com - Site for a keywording product used by professional stock photographers. Because of the nature of the product, I built the shopping cart system from scratch. I did all the development work based on someone else's design. tellusscholars.com - A non-profit scholarship for people in sub-Saharan Africa. I did all the work including the design. featurewell.com - A human-moderated article syndication service. My work here involved the port of an existing site from Cold Fusion/MS SQL to PHP/MySQL, complete with a frontend redesign. largeanimal.com - A producer of games for web communities and mobile devices. My work for this company was strictly back-end. mcertified.com - A provider of online courses for various forms of educational certifications. I did mostly back-end work on this site, though there were some front-end things as well, including the dynamic production of a certificate PDF suitable for framing. HudsonEntertainment.com - This is an game developer whose site offers games for download into cellphones. I developed the site in PHP/MySQL. The design was done by someone else. LolaEtMoi.com (USA) - This is an international children's clothing retailer for which I did all of the MySQL/PHP development. I also did some simple AJAX-type dynamic work, particularly in the store locator. Toyota Fleet Website - Toyota's fleet website is where governments, car rental companies, and other corporations go to select cars intended for their fleets. This site was developed in ASP/Microsoft SQL, though in the Spring of 2006 I worked for several weeks fixing and improving the Javascript and ASP underpinning its AJAX code. US.EidosMobile.com - Another game developer, this one offering games for download from their site. I worked mostly on the PHP/MySQL backend for this site. Some of this work involved integrating real time data coming from cellphone carriers. other bits and piecesGretchenPrimack.com - This is my wife's poetry site. I handled all design, as well as PHP backend development using the file system (as opposed to a database) to store the text-heavy dynamic information that this site displays. Forests of the Central Appalachians Project - This is my father's retirement project, and he's conservative when it comes to web design (thus the 1996-vintage styling), though I was able to work in some Google Maps integration about half way down this long rambling page. Let's Play Terrorist Dressup! - A goofy little game written in Flash; you can dress up a naked guy to either be a sterling patriot or an international terrorist. In this simplification, the problem of terrorism is entirely nurture.