ASP (these won't work on this Apache-based server)

Color Functions - VBScript ASP functions to perform mathematics on hexadecimal color values

Color Menu - uses the color functions to generate a color palette

XML Library - ASP XML parsers mostly

Simple Encryption Library - for encoding numeric IDs and spaceless text strings.

a complete Flash-based ASP chat - an open-source feature-rich freeware Flash chat.

  • supports unlimited simultaneous chats
  • completely admin-editable formula for altering server bandwidth requirements. The load can be made to change on-the-fly as more users join the chat
  • new posts can appear either at top or bottom of chat history
  • users may send private messages to one another. Encryption is used to prevent users from impersonating one another.
  • users may create new chats on the fly, decide to make them private or not, and easily invite others to join the chat
  • users may pick the color of their posts, though no HTML is supported because of the limitations of Flash
  • suite of admin commands, including kick and ban by username and IP address, both accessible from the command line and within the chat itself
  • easy integration with existing member databases or (alternatively) completely stand-alone, without the need for a database
  • completely open source, distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ( )
  • simple admin scripting language permits reconfiguring the client (including its appearance) on the fly. "Hey Mom! the chat just completely changed!"
  • integrated music broadcast capabilities
  • a facility for creating a single robotic personality for each chat. (The AI is rudimentary but development continues.)
  • backend currently in ASP but could easily be ported to other languages
  • Lua

    Lua is a scripting language vaguely similar to Pascal.
    Keywording Library - Library of Lua functions used to provide most of the functionality of an Adobe Lightroom plugin implemented mostly as a web app.


    Color Functions - PHP functions to perform mathematics on hexadecimal color values


    Tablesort - JS code to sort tables using front-end links without reloading the page

    For example, click the headers of these columns to see the code in action:
    No Species pH Date Forest Type
    1 Cercis canadensis 4.3 10-30-00 1
    2 Quercus coccinea 4.3 11-1-00 2
    3 Quercus coccinea 4.5 11-19-00 2
    4 Pinus virginiana 4.4 11-14-00 3
    5 Pinus rigida 4.4 11-28-00 3
    6 Prunus serotina 4.5 11-8-00 3
    7 Acer saccharum 4.5 11-24-00 1
    8 Acer saccharum 4.611-22-00 3
    9 Quercus alba 4.6 11-3-00 2
    10 Nyssa sylvatica4.6 11-2-00 2
    11 Quercus stellata 4.6 11-12-00 1
    12 Juglans nigra 4.6 11-27-00 4
    13 Juglans nigra 4.7 11-4-00 1
    14 Carya cordiformis 4.6 12-10-00 (1)
    15 Pinus pungens 4.6 11-29-00 3
    16 Acer rubrum 4.7 10-26-00 2
    17 Pinus strobus 4.8 12-17-00 2
    18 Quercus velutina 5.0 10-24-00 2
    19 Quercus velutina 5.5 10-18-00 1
    20 Carya glabra 5.0 10-28-00 2
    21 Carya ovalis 5.0 10-29-00 5
    22 Quercus rubra 5.2 12-12-00 (1)
    23 Carya tomentosa 5.2 10-27-00 1
    24 Quercus muehlenbergii 5.3 10-23-00 1
    25 Quercus prinus 5.3 10-25-00 2
    26 Quercus prinus 5.3 12-12-00 (1)
    27 Acer nigrum 5.4 10-24-00 p
    28 Populus grandidentata 5.5 11-11-00 2
    29 Cornus florida 5.5 10-31-00 2
    30 Cornus florida 6.0 11-3-00 1
    31 Juniperus virginiana 5.8 11-9-00 3
    32 Fraxinus americana 5.8 11-15-001
    33 Fraxinus americana 6.1 11-14-00 4
    34 Fagus grandifolia 5.8 12-10-00 (1)
    35 Fagus grandifolia 6.4 12-10-00 (1)
    36 Fagus grandifolia 6.9 11-25-00 p
    37 Liriodendron tulipifera 5.8 12-12-00 (1)
    38 Liriodendron tulipifera 6.1 11-25-00 1
    39 Crataegus crus-galli 6.5 11-16-00 3
    40 Tilia heterophylla 6.7 11-21-00 1
    41 Tilia heterophylla 6.7 12-12-00 (1)
    42 Ulmus rubra 7.0 12-1-00 1
    43 Ulmus rubra 7.6 11-20-00 1
    44 Ulmus rubra 7.9 11-17-00 1
    45 Celtis occidentalis 8.0 11-5-00 3
    46 Celtis occidentalis 8.0 11-6-00 1
    47 Celtis occidentalis 8.0 11-7-00 1