by R.F. Mueller
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August 1975

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see also:
Energy in a Real World
Virginians for Wilderness
Forests of the Appalachians

Sunday, August 24, 1975

(Sun.) We arrived here yesterday afternoon from Lanham. Since then we have been enjoying the place again. Today I gathered cattail bulbs, roots etc. and about a half a peck of crabapples which Betty intends to use for sauces. pies etc. I also purchased a four tined hoe for gathering the cattails but found my hands seemed to work best. So far the "cattail flour" experiment seems to be a failure. The crabapples seem to be the native American variety, and there seems to be about several bushels on the tree. This morning Betty caught six small chus for breakfast. and tonight we intend to eat the cattails. I also found my garden doing quite well and harvested 3 large cucumbers. It is raining as I write this and water is running in the cistern.
