by R.F. Mueller
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August 1975

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see also:
Energy in a Real World
Virginians for Wilderness
Forests of the Appalachians

Friday, August 8, 1975 - Monday, August 11, 1975

On this trip highlights were Betty baking blackberry cobbler, finding several peach trees and an excellent garden location above the flood plain just below the hill [called "slope garden" by us]. We also located a heavily laden Crab apple tree. We estimate the peaches will be ripe in about 3 weeks to a month and perhaps 2 weeks for the crabapple. I harvested one large cucumber and the watermelon has several tiny ones on. Also the carrots, parsnips an tomatoes are doing well. I pulled the last of the onions. We also visited Mr. Heizer, one of our bordering neighbors who told us about the new garden location. Last night we heard Screech Owls- the first I had heard in many years.
