by R.F. Mueller
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April 1975

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see also:
Energy in a Real World
Virginians for Wilderness
Forests of the Appalachians

Saturday, April 19, 1975

Prelude immediately before April 19, 1975 entry:

Purchased this farm in Spring 1975 from Ernest R. Rowe, with closing on March 19.

Came to farm and took over from Mr. Rowe. Also planted two grape vines, a Concord and a Caco [?]


Later planted a garden consisting of onions, parsnips, radishes, lettuce, carrots, beans, cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, collards. Betty and I picked a quite a few blackberries in July and she made jam. The children and all of us did a good deal of fishing on all of our visits, catching what appeared to be large chubs and one sucker.
