gus_demo : db tools : Enter Raw SQL

SQL script. Use the names of fields prepended with '$' to refer to the data of those fields to be processed by subqueries enclosed in {}, which can nest inside other subqueries.
{eliminate squiggly brackets from Drupal SQL}
PHP script to run on displayed columns. Use the names of fields prepended with '$' to refer to the data of those fields to be processed by the script.
URL of this page's state allow direct editing of results      truncate fields
Results of Query #1
Table Create Table  
enemyship_map CREATE TABLE `enemyship_map` (
`hater_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`hatee_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (`hater_id`,`hatee_id`)

1 row affected.
Uptime: 3823873 Threads: 79 Questions: 1615509309 Slow queries: 316 Opens: 4974785 Open tables: 14998 Queries per second avg: 422.479