Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   work as a limousine driver
Saturday, August 10 2002

super-cooled beer

Of late, I've been putting my beers in the freezer for a half hour or so before drinking them. This made a lot of sense back when the weather was super-hot, but it's been cool now for over a week and I'm still freezing my beers. Actually, the goal isn't always to freeze them. Ideally, I want my beers to enter a super-cooled state where the beer persists as a fluid well below the freezing temperature of water. Often beer in this state will remain frozen until my first sip, whereupon the crashing of the beer surf inside the bottle is enough of a disturbance to push the beer over some sort of energy threshold. Suddenly I'll see globs of ice swirling around. It may not sound like a big deal, but it adds a whole dimension to my beer drinking experience.

corn, cous-cous, and T.I.P.S.

In the evening, Ray and Nancy had us over to their place for a light summery meal of corn on the cob and cous-cous, among other things. While we were there, Mark = (of Mark and Lin fame) called, and he'd had such a shitty day that Ray invited him over too. You may recall the story from a few weeks back when Mark was fired on his first day of being a graphic designer. Well, today he started work as a limousine driver, and (perhaps not surprisingly) found it to be a horrible job. After buying his monkey suit and paying $42 dollars to have his license "upgraded," he found himself driving a long white car three hours out into New Jersey. But according to the rules, he didn't clock in until he'd actually picked up his customer, so those three hours of driving were done on his time. Then, adding insult to injury, his passengers didn't even bother to tip him.
After dinner, our group segregated itself according to gender. Ray, Mark and I sat in the kitchen and drank beer and wine while Ray passed around a pipe containing cigar tobacco and a nearly undetectable trace of marijuana. Meanwhile Gretchen and Nancy were off in the bedroom talking about whatever it is chicks talk about when the guys aren't around. Amusingly, Mark kept bringing the conversation back to the subject of Operation T.I.P.S. At one point he suggested we flood their hotline (currently connecting to Fox's America's Most Wanted, The Running Man stylee) with bogus information, and this lead into an idea for a short film about people sitting around and calling in tips about the most trivial offenses. Downloading MP3s is, as we know, a gateway crime for those who eventually become the rapists of grandmothers. It seemed comic at the time, but I'm sure the early stages of Salem Witch crisis were a hoot too.

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