Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   size and price relationship of toilets
Thursday, October 9 2014
Ray and Nancy's friend Eric would be painting the outside of our house this weekend, so today I pre-positioned some tools to help him with that in the garage behind the Wall Street house. These included a length of hose with nozzles and a 24 foot ladder. On the way out to the house, I had copies of keys made, since Eric will actually be staying in the house. I also bought some plumbing bits for the nascent "closet-to-bathroom" project. Ideally, I'd have the smallest possible toilet to cram into that space. My idea would be to have a wall-hung toilet with a tank either in the wall or high overhead. But I'm finding that such toilets are prohibitively expensive. In terms of size-to-price ratio, I'm finding that the very cheapest ($88, 27.5 inches long) toilets are somewhat smaller than the more expensive ($200, 30 inches long) toilets, but if you want really small toilets (21 inches long), they'll be wall-hung and cost at least $600 after buying the in-wall tank. So I'll probably wind up buying the $88 crapper.
At the Wall Street house, I went around the baseboard in the living room and dining room scraping off the loose paint while the dogs looked on in abject boredom. Based on the discoloration of the floorboards, it looks like there used to be quarter round at the bottom of the baseboard. But there are so few places where there is any gap between the floorboards and the baseboard that it looks like I can get away without installing any quarter round. All I need to do is fill the few gaps there are with plastic wood or caulk (depending on whether it is a gap in the floor or a gap in the baseboard).
The last task I undertook was to begin work on the attic ladder, though it was by then too dark to do any work in the attic and all I could do was some initial setup down in the lighted part of the house.

Later this evening when I was taking a bath, Celeste the Kitten joined me on the bathtub rim and reached down several times to splash her paws in the water, just as she had done at Kyser Lake.

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