Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   evidence of an amphetamine theft
Tuesday, August 8 2017
This morning I drove out to the Uptown Hannaford for bachelor dining provisions (bread, beer, beans, bloody mary mix, tonic water, mushrooms, pre-made Indian food, and vegan icecream among other things). I then drove out to the Tibetan Center to see if anything good had come in since I'd last been there (before the Uganda trip). There was almost nothing of interest; I bought a microUSB cable (just because those are always useful) and a proprietary USB cable that I thought might fit one of my old digital cameras (but it didn't).
Back at the house, I thought I'd take a recreational 40 milligram dose of Vyvanse to help me crank through some dull work in the remote workplace. But when I went to a set of plastic drawers where I keep my stimulants (off in side section of the laboratory, in a place where the ceiling-roof provides little head room), I found the bottle that should've contained them gone. It soon became clear that it really was gone, meaning it had been stolen. The only people who could've stolen it were the house sitters we'd had watch our place while we were in Uganda. They were young and about to start college, but who knew they were tweakers? I immediately sent an email to Gretchen about it, and she then raised the issue with Jackie, the female half of the house-sitter couple. Jackie probably wasn't the thief; her non-vegan boyfriend almost certainly was. (I had also found an egg carton in the trash, indicating that they hadn't lived up to their vegan promises during their stay.) When next Gretchen heard from Jackie, she was claiming that she and her boyfriend "are no longer together."
Mind you, there had only been three pills in the stolen bottle: a single Vyvanse and two 10 mg conventional Adderall pills. But it's the principle of the matter. When one discovers something has been stolen by someone one has entrusted his or her house to, one wonders what else might've been stolen. It's unlikely we'll get any satisfaction from this issue other than forever putting a cloud of shame over the thief. In that way we're like a mauled skunk licking our wounds. It's unlikely he'll be so cavalier with his pharamceutical theft after the trauma of being called out this time.
I did still have a single 40 milligram Vyvanse, one I'd taken to Uganda and not taken. I swallowed it and used the resulting energy to crank through a complicated data migration task. I had to migrate the store catalog of a proprietary store system into an installation of the WordPress-based WooCommerce online store system. After multiple runs, I finally had the migration working fairly well by the time I went to bed early tonight.

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