occasional dashes of light confusion Friday, October 12 2018
I got out of bed a little after 6:00am feeling a little bad in the head, and as I stumbled around in the predawn gloom, I found I had a bit less coordination than usual. But I got my shit together and started driving to work before it was even 8:00am. I suspect I was not in a perfect state to drive, because I almost merged into another car (a white one) while changing lanes; somehow it had appeared out of nowhere, having hidden in a blind spot for an extended period before trying to pass. Normally I turn around and look to avoid this problem, but it wouldn't be the first time I missed a car even when looking directly at it (though the last time this happened, the car was dark grey).
Today I did what I could to channel a few tasks I'd been given into learning opportunities. Mostly what I had to learn about was ExtJS and Sencha, a set of related proprietary Javascript frameworks. By the end of the day, I was having great difficulty figuring out what methods were being triggered by a click event, and I realized I needed to up my game with regard to Chrome's built-in debugging console. I use it all the time, but I've never really investigate its potential.
I went to take a final crap of the day at just before 5:00pm, and when I got back, Joe the IT guy was the only one in the office; all three developers had slipped out, perhaps because they'd been waiting for me to leave before leaving themselves (since I'd been there since before they showed up). Joe was actually holding the door, not wanting to lock it in case I didn't have my keys. And in fact I didn't have my keys; they were on my desk. (I finally got keys to the office earlier this week.) I told Joe not to worry, that I'd be locking the place up. And indeed I did.
Back at the house, I took a much-needed hot bath and then crawled into bed with a laptop and watched YouTube videos for hours. I'm still in the middle of a Dave Ramsey obsession, though I also found an incredible video of a guy calling himself Hip-Hop Head watching a live version "Ghost Love Score" (featuring Floor as the vocalist). It's an amazing song, and his reactions were highly entertaining. Meanwhile, Gretchen was off teaching her prison class. Today she had a guest speaker, Kia, a writer friend she knows somehow (one who actually wrote an episode of The Wire), and dropping her off at the New Paltz bus station took so long that Gretchen wasn't home until midnight.
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