Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:


January - ASCAR Shira Dog Wilbur Cockatiel Andy Philadelphia Sara Dextromethorphan Charlottesville Persad Theresa Sam Brick Mansion Italian Richmond River Edge Monster Boy RTists Quintuplets Jewish Matthew Angela History Channel Bowl Windows Super

February - Jessika Rory Faye Tucker King Downtown Mall Airline Jawbox Rose Party Aquarius Carter Mountain Deya Pizza Arts Godzilla Tokyo Macintosh Jen Fariello Hart Alboth Kappa Mutha Fucka American The Terminator Columbia Maryland Malvern

March - Darting Dart Josh UVA Jatasya Staunton Johnny David Medicine Show Outback Lodge Sweden Scottsville Day Morgan Anarchy Central Services Tasha Corner Sun Aries Simpson Ralph Wiggums Ray Weiner

April - Fools Microwave Chinese Michelle Employment Commision Manic Girl Dodge KC Shenandoah Valley Dogwood Festival Busride Wacky Lowes Hardware Union Man Woman Red Lady Quaker Steve Weiner

May - IV Final Frontier Blond House Firedrake Nancy Eraser Head Counselors MD K6 University Virginia Boom Kirstin Thom AC Krazy Louisa FOs C Nicole Truxell Jesse Mad

June - Superunknown Mayor Irish Bar Flanagans Pont Washington D Cat U Street Planet Utkan Turkish Wertland Shaque Don Walmart BDF Active Desktop Ginkgo Week Supertanker Ben Horrid Crash Pad

July - Arbor Ann Fourth Michigan Matt Rogers Ypsilanti Heidelberg Pasco Pranger Vanessa Arizona CBN WCBN Wyandotte Aunt Bettie Kim Truman Tiffin Ohio Columbus Beckley West AA Hamburger Helper

August - Canada PIN Detroit Custom Spunky Lisa Missy While Shaving Nights Mac IIs Holocaust St Jerry Lake Bear Dunes Lower Peninsula Unger Cellars Mad Raven Volvo

September - Roger Missouri Kansas Plains Lawrence Santa Rosa New Mexico Phoenix Rhonda Sophie Schnauzer San Diego California Ocean Pacific Beach Rita Jolla Bicycle Old Dude Third World Tijuana Wall Mexican America Miss Gretel Avenue Fair Island Hillcrest Thrift Store

October - Internet SoCal Saturn Los Angeles Mr Bank Nations ID Godmother Gun Garters

November - Republicans Robots Fusion Eastern Fall Vampire Slayer Simpsons Idyllwild Pooh Bah Grand Orange County Newport

December - Miller Meyers Orleans IY Christians Jesus Balboa Park Night Football Cornish Jack Titanic Kevin Brazilian