Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   a 300K bid
Sunday, July 22 2001
This living with Gretchen in Brooklyn thing seems to be working out remarkably well. We're happy with each other throughout our days to an unexpected degree, and yet it seems possible for us to do things separately as occasions arise. We're not entirely of the same ilk of course; today for instance I found myself listening to an entire Brandy CD that Gretchen had put on the stereo. Then later I watched in disinterested bemusement as Gretchen suffered with empassioned dismay through the defeat of the New York Liberty women's basketball team (at the hands of the Miami Sol).
Being a lazy Sunday, there was little I really wanted to do but set up my computer(s) (in as tight as possible of spaces in the corner of the living room) and maybe watch a movie. The movie we watched was The Graduate, which I had never seen before. Gretchen thought it essential that I see The Graduate if only to allow her to refer to parts of it in her conversations. For example, in the final scene at the back of the bus you see the looks of joy giving way to overwhelming thoughts of the future. This was a scene Gretchen wanted to reference when describing our mood in the Waterfront Café of Venice, California shortly after we became engaged. What had we wrought?
The big news of the day came from my realtor Jesika in California. After I had two bids accepted at $294,000 for my condo, the two bidders were asked to make another offer. One offered $295,500 and the other offered $300,000. Apparently the first thought they would be besting a $1000 increase of the other bidder by $500, but the increase of the other bidder was actually $6000. I'd started out with an asking price of $299,000 and now I was doing $1000 better! Amusingly, $1000 will end up being the taxable profit I make on the condo after brokerage fees are eliminated from the balance.
After a big unglamourous meal at a local Park Slope taqueria I was so full I couldn't inhale nearly as deeply as I'm used to doing. Gretchen and I walked around the neighborhood, up and down 7th Avenue mostly and she pointed out the various businesses I need to know about. We talked some about car services and gypsy cabs and then went back to the apartment and did it on the floor.
The house is still a mess of unpacked boxes and huge piles of all sorts of wire: SCSI, parallel, ribbon, ethernet, telephone, audio, coax, RF, firewire, USB, etc.

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