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   Creepy-crawling Christian creatures
Monday, July 1 2002
Creepy-crawling Christian creatures continue covertly crafting legislation designed to force their superstitions on the impressionable minds of public school students throughout the land. They're not content with having a "moment of silence,"1 a God-mentioning pledge of allegiance, and a Christian bible trailer behind every school in Redneckistan. As of today, every public school in Virginia is required by law to post the phrase "In God We Trust" in a prominent place somewhere in the building. How can we be fighting a war with the Taliban while posting their propaganda slogans in our public schools? I find it interesting that America, with the world's strongest secularizing language in its constitution, is the most religious nation on Earth, while a nation such as Britain which has a state religion features a population that is 39% Atheistic. Could it be that the more the state forces conformity of religious belief, the more the population resists it?
On a vaguely-related note, I'd like to draw attention to a website called Stupidistan, which comes complete with a list of links to other 'Stans. I like the approach of Stupidistan, which is to point out the stupidity of news events by wickedly-incisive soundbite-sized analysis and various forms of reductio ad absurdum. For example: "Does today's Supreme Court decision allowing the State of Kansas to punish an inmate for refusing to confess his crimes mean that believing in your own innocence is now officially a thoughtcrime?"

In other news, both Gretchen and I are rather sunburned from our day on the beach. I'm not nearly as badly burnt as she is, because I was slathered with sunblock more zealously. But we both missed that little strip of whiteness that appears when your pants slide down after a sunblock application. It sucks that we have to go through all this hassle just because we evolved in a cloudy part of the world and carry the genes to avert rickets, a disease entirely prevented by eating a normal diet of American processed food.
I also have injuries that came as a result of digging a five-foot deep hole with my bare hands. All that sand pressing beneath my fingernails left them red and inflamed. What's more, my legs and back are sore from all the repetitive motion.

1While it's true that the moment of silence could conceivably be used by an individual child for the purpose of devil worship (completely undetected!), even a single-mindedly demonic child would be hard-pressed to subvert the treacly Christian purpose of a bible trailer.

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