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Like my brownhouse:
   summer heat and its sidekick in misery
Wednesday, July 3 2002
Yesterday had been hot, but today was expected to be even hotter. It isn't just the heat, mind you, it's also the stupidity.
The heat was so oppressive in the apartment that I couldn't find much motivation to do anything. So, for the first time in weeks, I watched some daytime teevee. And for the first time in months, I watched CNN (also known as "porno for patriots"). I just happened to catch the bulk of an Ari Fleischer press conference and I have to say, it sure was refreshing compared to all the press conferences I remember in the months after The Little Thing That Happened In September. While all Ari wanted to talk about was all the fine work the American Security Apparatus was doing to prevent terrorism on July 4th, most of the questions being asked by the reporters concerned the delayed reporting of a suspicious stock sale made by George W. Bush back in 1990. You can expect to hear a lot more from Bush about the Pledge of Allegiance if such questions intensify. I don't know how many times Joe Sixpack wants to hear his President talk about the sanctity of the Pledge, but I'd venture to say that even Joe has his limit. This might be bad for an administration in need of distractions. Don't forget, there are also stories left to be told about cocaine enjoyment and draft avoidance, and that's just the stuff that happened a long time ago.

Back, for a moment, to the subject of oppressive summer heat and its sidekick in misery, humidity. I missed this sort of weather when I lived in the unchallenging climate of Los Angeles, but it's easy to miss something when it's not around. For Gretchen and me, one of the easiest ways to escape the heat is a momentary cold shower, though the shot of comfort this brings seems to last about as long as a cannister of nitrous oxide.

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