Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   Propaganda for Dummies
Monday, July 15 2002 Dear George Walker Bush,
I just have to say something about your effects on the stock market. Every time you open your mouth, nothing but transparent focus-group-tested propaganda comes out. And whether or not the press is willing to delve into this unpleasant fact, the cold objective eye of capitalism seems to provide its own opinion. You are not a leader; you are a fogged funhouse mirror held before the weakest minds of society.
And, O you sanctimonious beneficiary of Islamic terrorism, this doesn't look good. Seeing you receive your comeuppance will be the most deliciously satisfying media of the coming months.

I notice that these Karl Rove-engineered speeches, the ones where Bush talks while the stock market drops, are always held in front of a big blue banner bearing some market-tested phrase repeated numerous times. A week ago when Bush gave his legendary "talk loudly and carry a small stick" speech to Wall Street, he did so in front of a banner reading "Corporate Responsibility" dozens of times. Today's speech in Alabama took place in front of a similar banner bearing the phrase "Strengthening Our Economy" 34 times. These are techniques lifted straight out of George Orwell, or (if you prefer) a Stalinist Propaganda for Dummies book. Maybe I'm paranoid, but this stuff really creeps me out. I don't know what I find creepier: that the Bush administration does these things, or that no one calls it for what it is.

The other day I found an old 286 computer on the street, and I brought it home mostly to harvest its floppy drive. I also managed to extract its hard drive, but when I tested it out today, it turned out it was only a lousy 20 megabyte unit. That's good for what, six MP3s? 1989's technology is useless in the post-Napster age.

Noah passed me just now and gave a little shout out, "Wowrl!" I turned to look and he'd already gone, off to wage war with the other cat who lives in what passes for nature in the center of this Park Slope block.

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