November 2009 01: piss gutter
- Keeping feces separate from urine.
02: great Indian food in Kingston NY
- Indian food is hit-or-miss in the Hudson Valley, but a great new restaurant just opened only six miles away.
03: brownhouse lid
- A way to seal away a toilet seat and an air supply. Also, I take my first brownhouse dump.
04: quicky graphing calculator
- I write a little Javascript application while waiting for my time in prison to end.
05: trench for air and electricity
- I dig another trench and ruin my fingers yet again.
06: socializing treefall risk
- I rig a damaged tree north of the house so that it can only fall on utilities and public property, not anything I'd have to pay to replace.
07: Norfolk, Connecticut
- The remnants of the band Boston and a large, seasonal campus.
08: Overlook Mountain
- Craving French fries on a warm November day.
09: piss gutter rework
- I go from four to two inch PVC to make room and develop a better solution to urine backup.
10: cidre de glace
- I drink an ice cider and work on the brownhouse's lower sink.
11: drain extender pipe plug
- A simple system for providing two drainage modes for a basin.
12: Manhattan ballroom gala
- A gala with the governor for the New York League of Humane Voters.
13: the High Line
- Another urban greenway made of abandoned railroad tracks.
14: momentary switches at Radio Shack
- Still hiring the same kind of nerd 28 years later.
15: odorless brownhouse
- Installing a fan for a more perfect outhouse experience.
16: pseudo-column
- Using relationship-awareness to track down junk records.
17: Javascript grapher
- And more spackling and fecal tea.
18: unfunny comedy
- A review of Observe and Report, among other things.
19: insulating the drywell
- And slow driving in Kingston, NY.
20: Javascript grapher
- And more spackling and fecal tea.
21: drunken brownhouse overshares
- At a party in Rhinecliff.
22: dead animal to old feet
- A hangover and problems with brownhouse and boiler.
23: halo forging
- Making something for an art show and watching Grey Gardens.
24: skeletonized pines and housesitters
- A quasi-functional boiler sends me in search of easy-to-burn alternatives to oil.
25: diarrhea building to a boil
- A little story that ends along a concrete barricade on I-295 in southwest New Jersey.
26: Thanksgiving, 2009
- Including a politician's fly-by.
27: 'leftovers' and a 'puppet show'
- Also, the impulse to overprotect children.
28: DC Dogpark Tour 2009
- Visiting a couple new dog parks in Washington, DC.
29: nice weather and congestion
- A bad day for road tripping home from Thanksgiving.
30: rod through tree
- After an eye bolt pulls out of a tree in the wind, I run the bolt all the way through.