Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   sweetberry pottery
Tuesday, May 17 2016
At 5:00pm I got out of work early to go to my weekly pottery class. I'd offered to do the driving so Nancy could get her "sweetberry wine" on. Of course, it being that sort of night, I also would be drinking, so I stopped at the Hurley Stewarts first to get a six pack of whatever their best IPA is. Since I was last there, this had changed from Brew Free or Die to Sam Adams Rebel.
Nancy brought a big bottle of white wine to class, and that made this class the second one at which alcoholic beverages were available (last time Rich the instructor had produced a bottle). I ended up having a very productive day, though initially I continued having trouble with wobbling pits that produced walls of uneven heights. Rich showed me how my initial opening of the centered blob of clay was causing this issue, and after that my pots were amazingly centered. It was such a joy to work on something that didn't wobble at all. Early in the class, Rich was acting like perhaps Nancy and I were a bit slow to learn the lessons he'd been trying to impart. But then he sort of realized it was mostly Nancy who was the slow one, not that my problem with wobble hadn't caused me to make a lot of crazy-looking pots, some of which I may well cherish some day (if they survive firing).
For whatever reasons, there weren't many from our social group in today's class, but the three who were: Nancy, David, and I, went to Catskill Mountain Pizza (instead of the Little Bear Chinese restaurant) afterwards. I made the mistake of having Nancy order the pizza while David and I were visiting the nearby Cumberland Farms ATM machine, and when I asked if she'd remembered to order it with soy cheese, of course she hadn't. But it was still early enough in the order for that to be remedied. She'd also forgotten to order fries, but I could order those when I remembered them.
David is a weird eater. Sometimes he just pushes his food around on his plate and doesn't eat any at all, though he never says anything about his appetite. Today he only ate a single slice of pizza and a couple crusts, while I wolfed down far more than my share. We were in that middle room with the brick wall between us and the live music (an acoustic bluegrass band, just as I'd predicted).
When I dropped Nancy off at her place, she asked if I wanted to come in for a drink with Ray, who was home from work. Ray and Nancy have some friends staying in their extra room while they're between places to stay. It's a couple and their big black-speckled grey dog (they're the people whose MacBook I worked on recently), though Ray and Nancy's dog Jack doesn't like the new canine impostor.

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