Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   bad clutch drives away
Friday, May 20 2016
Though it only has about a week of life left, my relationship with Meerkat continues to be fraught. He has an unusual knack for making me hate my job with an amazing paucity of chat-box alphanumeric characters. That's how I felt all the way through the weekly all-hands meeting. But that was apparently enough time to from him to develop and muster a much less unpleasant chat demeanor, and my response was immediate: I cheerfully agreed to address the issues raised and return with the altered code in a timely manner. And so I did. And then I took a 50 mg dose of Vyvanse because, hell, it was Friday.
Meanwhile, Gretchen had finally gotten a successful nibble on our old Subaru. It had been on Craigslist at $700, and when that raised no interest, she'd dropped it to $600. And soon we had a youngish woman (named Jess) from New Paltz taking a bus up to check it out (and possibly have it towed away). Gretchen picked her up from wherever the bus dropped her off and when she came to see the car, it was already a foregone conclusion that she'd be buying it. The only question was whether or not she needed a tow truck. I thought she probably would be happier with one, since the clutch was by now almost entirely gone and it would be difficult to climb even the lowest of hills. Still, Kingston is generally downhill, even with respect to Old Hurley. And the start of the drive would be easy enough; one could drive the mile and a quarter to Hurley Mountain Road without even having a motor. Jess decided to try to drive all the way to the Kingston mechanic who had given her a low quote on a clutch job, and so off she and Gretchen drove to the Hurley Stewarts (so Jess could pull the second half of the sale price from their ATM). Unlike me, Jess' technique for dealing with a bad clutch was to give the engine gas and let the RPMs go super high in hopes that some of that rotational energy would find its way to the wheels. That was enough to back her out onto Dug Hill Road and even make it to the Stewarts in Hurley. Whether or not she required a tow shortly thereafter, we may never know. [REDACTED]

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