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Like my brownhouse:
   at least simulate concern
Thursday, June 8 2017
Today was the day that fired FBI directory James Comey testified before the Senate, which is apparently the only legislative branch with any interest (tepid though it is) in the interference in the 2016 election by the Russians. I listened occasionally to the live testimony as I did mindless garden chores, though it wasn't as interesting or as explosive as I'd hoped. Still, there was talk of bars opening early for people to drink, eat popcorn, and watch. There was also talk of mimosas perhaps being drunk (probably on the sly) by people at the West Hollywood HQ of The Organization for which I work remotely. Not all that much seemed to be getting done there; indeed, for a good 20 minutes after the noontime start of the workday, it was just me and Ni evident on Slack. I joked that, my bad, The Organization would be closed today in honor of National Jelly-filled Doughnut Day. This inevitably led to a discussion of how hard vegan doughnuts are to obtain. I chimed in that they were even hard to find "in Portland Fucking Oregon." This made me go find the PORTLAND FUCKING OREGON coffee mug (mailed to Gretchen years ago by our Portland friend Gilley) so I could photograph myself taking a fake left-handed sip from it.

Perhaps the most telling reveal of the entire Comey hearing was the fact that Trump never once expressed any concern to Comey about Russian interference in the 2016 election. That's really all I need to know. If Trump were a more aware person (and a non-comic-book supervillain) he would have the sense to at least simulate concern about that.

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