Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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dead malls
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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   intuitions about the material world
Monday, June 26 2017
Today's phase of the general house-cleaning jihad had me vacuuming on the first floor. Because of all the work being done by Andrea, I didn't spend more than 20 minutes on it.
Near the end of a fairly ordinary workday, Gretchen and I drove Woodstock to meet up with Dina and her family at the Garden Café. By family, I don't just mean her and her husband Gilaud and their two kids, I also mean Dina's two parents, who were in the area as well (though, unlike the others, they would not be spending the night with us). We all sat out in the outdoor garden area, which is where we always sit in nice weather at this time of year. I ended up spending much of the meal engaged in smalltalk with my boss's boss (the head of operations) at The Organization. He didn't get to his point very quickly, and when he did, it was just to schedule a meeting that couldn't happen then (I was at dinner), so it would be happening tomorrow. I orded a Southern Tier 2X IPA and a black bean tempeh reuben, both of which were to my liking. Meanwhile Susan (of Susan and David) had shown up with a friend and two unknown dogs, one of which was tiny and spent a considerable time sitting in my lap. Dina's kids really love dogs, so this delighted them as well.
Before saying goodbye to Dina's parents, they wanted to have me fix their CD player, which wasn't successfully playing their book on tape. All I did was touch a couple buttons for a lingering moment (I don't even know which ones; it was almost as if my hand made the decision), and the thing started doing exactly what they wanted. Sometimes my intuitions about the material world are almost supernaturally perfect. Gilaud, by contrast, had fussed around for awhile on this same CD player with no success at all.
Back at the house, the kids got to reacquaint themselves with Ramona and meet Neville for the first time. Due to allergies, nobody could sleep on the floor of Gretchen's library as initially planned, so instead the kids slept in the Gunther Room (the bedroom near the boiler room) while Dina and Gilaud slept in our bed. Gretchen and I folded the futon flat in the greenhouse and slept on that. First, though, I drank some hard cider and a couple pours of Jameson with Gilaud. There just aren't enough people in my life with a fondness for whiskey.

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