Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   deplorable to replace a deplorable
Tuesday, June 20 2017
This morning while walking the dogs in the forest, Gretchen slipped and fell in the only part of the Hurley Mountain highlands where there is poison ivy, in the Valley of the Beasts where the Gullies Trail's "Mountain Goat Path" reaches its elevational bottom (41.923870N, 74.101928W). Gretchen didn't know there was poison ivy there at the time, but when she told me that that was where she'd fallen, I suggested there was a strong chance she'd been exposed. Having suffered for weeks from poison ivy she'd been exposed to at Ray & Nancy's house, Gretchen immediately jumped undertook to give herself a version of a Silkwood shower. But then it turned out that there was no hot water. Normally when the hydronic hot water system fails, there is backup in the form of just-in-time electrical heat. But the inexpensive tankless electrical heater hasn't been working well, and if the water is too cold, it cannot heat it to shower temperature. Since it was a gorgeous sunny day, the easiest fix for the problem at hand was to get the solar heating working. I was fairly certain that air trapped in he pipes was preventing the circulation of hydronic fluid. In the past I've been able to blast out such air pockets from below by circulating fluid quickly through the system. But this didn't work today, forcing me to climb up on the solar deck and fill the air pockets from above. This worked, and we had water hot enough for showering within an hour.

Today was the day of the runoff for the suburban Atlanta house seat vacated by Tom Price, one of the many deplorables now working in the Trump administration. Due to high levels of liberal motivation, it was looking like the Democrat could win this seat. (My own boss Da lives in the district, and I was pleased when he reported that he'd voted.) Later this evening, it came as a huge disappointment when Karen Handle (yet another deplorable) won the seat in a squeaker. After all they've seen (though it might require watching something other than Fox News to see it), what the hell is wrong with suburban Atlantans? Are tax cuts and forced pregnancies really that important for them? It put me off my ravenous consumption of news, though probably not for long.

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