case of the mondays Monday, April 19 2021
I had a case of the mondays today as I tried to wade into and make sense of the frontend Angular code written by the Ukranian outsourcing team. My task was to add a new frontend feature, and to do that, I thought I'd do as I often do: clone the most similar feature nearby and modify it to suit. (This is similar to how natural selection produces new features on organisms.) But this took me down a rabbit hole of confusion between modules and components named by Ukranians in a language not entirely natural to them. By the end of the day, I felt kind of defeated and exhausted, though I'd accomplished little. Software development is that way sometimes. A little before 5:00, I climbed in the bathtub.
Later, at around the time Gretchen was making dinner by making a sauce for some existing noodles, I used a heatgun to salvage what I could from an old lightning-destroyed power supply. I worked out by the garage, and even in the open air, the fumes were unpleasant. Meanwhile, occasional raindrops fell from the unsettled grey sky.
This evening, Gretchen was interviewed for a local radio station, and I listened to the digital stream up in the laboratory while repainting some large yellow blobs near the center of the east wall/ceiling.
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