robots & workplace contentment Monday, April 19 1999
When I'm making robots, I like work. When I'm doing grunt work, when I'm putting out fires, when I'm attempting to meet outrageous sales & marketing deadlines, then I hate my job and want to quit. Today I found myself fielding outrageous demands by building robots, and that was actually kind of fun. I couldn't work quite as fast, of course, but the work I did I will never have to repeat.
There's a new guy sitting right next to me. His name is Jonathan and his job description is the same as mine, but he's a computer science degree-holder. He seems as fully in a daze as I was on my first day. Hopefully he'll soon be freeing up some of my time. I'd like to say something cynical at this point, but I don't know what it would be.
My sunburn continues to cause me considerable discomfort. But it was a great subject for workplace show and tell.
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