brewskis at my workstation Tuesday, April 27 1999
What with our new "project management system," I find myself doing lots of work for colleagues of equal rank and status, people who never used to boss me around under the hierarchical management system that used to be in place. But I can tell these colleagues are uncomfortable with the role, apologizing the whole time and offering me little favours in exchange for services rendered. For example, today when Karin the over-enthusiastic member support chick wanted rapid work done on a relatively simple "pager activity page," she asked what I needed, and I jokingly said, "a beer!" So, sure enough, later that evening she appeared with a six pack of Sam Adams. I stayed late, mostly to take advantage of the free pasta dinner (a perk designed specifically to encourage us to stay late), but also to get some writing done. My staying late had nothing to do with Karin's project, but I didn't tell her that. She and Sherms the Graphic Designer (also part of this project) each enthusiastically fetched me a beer, both of which I drank at my desk as I plinked away at the keyboard with the appearance of industry.
In other news, work on the painting tentatively titled Untitled (just kidding) continues.
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